Wsl and Vpns

Why you get TLS handshake errors in WSL

Wsl and Vpns
WSL does not play nice with VPNs and you likely will not realize this is the problem at first. Luckily the problem is usually easy to fix. Changing the MTU value of your WSL network adapter is a good start if you are having issues! [Read More]

How to Use Dedicated Disks in Wsl

How to Use Dedicated Disks in Wsl
When you access Windows files from WSL there is a large price to pay. But if you have important or a lot of data you use in WSL it can be a problem to only use the WSL root filesystem you get by default. It lives only in WSL (with an awkward way to access it from Windows) and to me feels like temporary storage you could lose at any time. Wouldn’t it be great if you could use an external or extra hard disk in WSL while not having to pay the price? Well, now you can! [Read More]